What Are the Common Problems That Moles Cause?

Tucson Moles are creatures who love to eat insects rather than pillage our vegetable gardens. Nonetheless, during the process of gathering foods and creating burrows, they can accidentally destroy the roots of our plants. The tunnels that they create can also be used by the mice and other rodents as a convenient access to our homes. Mole invasion can be a sign of a considerable problem. The moment that you notice some signs of mole infestation, act swiftly to control the amount of possible damage.

List of Problems Caused by Moles
While most of the time the moles will hide on their burrows, they can still bite when they are provoked or coerced. Moles are possible carriers of rabies. This can be transmitted to humans from a single scratch. Apart from creating holes that may look unsightly, the parasites and insects they carry can also be potential carrier of diseases.

Lawn Damages
Moles love to eat insects. However, they can also eat insects that are beneficial to our garden such as earthworms. Compared to the voles, the Tucson moles will dig deeper holes. The measure of their tunnels is at least 10 inches. Their tunnels will look like a raised volcano which makes them easier to determine. If you have a well-maintained lawn, the moles can make it look unsightly in just a few days. They can unintentionally damage the roots and bulbs of your plants while they are digging for their meals.

While Arizona moles do not have an aggressive and destructive nature, they can still bite when they feel threatened. Nonetheless, the number of people who have acquired rabies through moles bite is currently undetermined. Most moles prefer to avoid areas with human activities. Unless you physically touch the moles, they will not bite you.

Animals can spread diseases without the need to bite. Once these wildlife species access our homes they can contaminate the surface of our homes. They can also spread harmful pathogens and bacteria into our kitchen, cabinets, and pantries. Apart from this, they can also carry secondary pests. The ticks, fleas, and mites can be transferred to our pets and they can also cause diseases such as Lyme disease.

Moles are not a danger to human. Most of the time, our plants in our yard are more susceptible to the damage they bring. In case there is a mole activity in your yard, there is a high possibility that a secondary parasite or pest will be invading your house. Dealing with them with the use of chemicals can be troublesome.

In case your yard is experiencing mole infestation, be sure to seek the assistance of the professionals to deal with your infestation problem. They have specialists who are well aware about the habitats and habit of the creature. They went through a comprehensive training that allows them to determine the best possible solution and to prevent the future infestation. Some of them will also provide a free consultation to identify the root cause of your wildlife invasion problem.

Visit our Tucson animal removal home page to learn more about us.